Frequently asked questions
Visit our Forms page for your specific Perpetual Investment product to download a form.
When you apply for a product you must complete the relevant customer identification form and provide the required identification documents, unless you have previously done so. This process only has to be completed once. Full instructions are provided in the customer ID forms.
This is to comply with our obligations under the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act (2006) that requires financial services providers and financial advisers to collect and verify the identity of customers.
Advisers submitting applications on behalf of their clients must either complete the ‘record of verification procedure’ section in the ID forms or send in certified copies of customer ID documents.
Customer ID forms for individuals/sole traders have been inserted into both our printed and web-based product disclosure statements. Customer ID forms for trusts have also been inserted in most PDSs. Download ID forms for all other types of customers.
Customers must provide the identification documents (e.g. current driver’s licence or passport) as requested in the relevant customer ID form. These ID documents must be verified by a financial adviser completing the ‘record of verification procedure’ in the ID form or copies of ID documents certified by an eligible person, such as a legal practitioner or Justice of the Peace. These must be submitted with the application.
You may contribute to your investment online through our secure site, via BPAY, Direct Debit or cheque. Please visit our Forms page and complete an application for additional investment form for the relevant product.
You can withdraw all or part of your investment by sending us a written request setting out your client and account number, the name of the fund, the dollar amount or number of units to be withdrawn and your payment instructions. Please visit the Forms page for more information.
You should post or email your request to us, our contact details are on the Contact Us page.
Note: Withdrawal applications received by the Sydney office before 3.00pm will use that day’s exit price. Applications received after 3.00pm Sydney time will utilise the next business day’s exit price.
BPAY is only available for one-off additional investments. Your BPAY additional investments will be invested according to your most recent investment strategy. If you wish to change your investment strategy for additional investments, you can call us or notify us in writing.
Please note that not all of Perpetual's products accept payments by BPAY.
The following products accept payment by BPAY:
BPAY additional investments completed by 3.00pm (Sydney time) on any business day will be processed using that day's entry price. BPAY additional investments made after 3.00pm on a business day will be processed at the entry price applicable on the next business day.
Biller Codes differ according to transaction type. The Biller Codes are as follows:
Perpetual Select Super Personal Contribution | 989475 |
Perpetual Select Super Spouse Contribution | 514281 |
If you are a new investor and request it on the application form, you will receive a Customer Reference Number (CRN) & Biller Code with the confirmation advice when you first set up your investment. If you are an existing investor and you wish to receive a CRN & Biller Code, we can assist you over the phone.
You can change any of the following with one form:
You are able to complete the Change of Instructions form, which can be downloaded from the Forms section. Alternatively, we can receive a written request setting out your client and account number and the details you would like amended. Please Note: Bank account details cannot be changed over the phone.
We can receive a Change of Instructions form via post or email. Our contact details are on the Contact Us page.
Alternatively, you may wish to change your contact details on our online investor portal or by calling Investor Services on 1800 022 033 Monday to Friday between 8:30am and 6.00pm (Sydney time), where you must be identified in order for your request to be processed.