Perpetual MySuper

Perpetual MySuper

Perpetual MySuper Product is closed

Perpetual Superannuation Limited (the Trustee), as trustee of Perpetual MySuper has decided to close the Perpetual MySuper Product and transfer its members via successor fund transfer (SFT) to CARE Super Pty Ltd (Trustee) ABN 91 006 670 060 AFSL 235226 CARE Super (Fund) ABN 98 172 275 725 (CareSuper). The Trustee has determined that this transfer is in the best interests of Perpetual MySuper members as CareSuper is likely to provide benefits of scale and deliver better outcomes for members over the long term.

For further information about the transfer please refer to the below documents.

For further information about CareSuper visit or speak to a CareSuper customer service consultant on 1300 360 149 8am to 8pm (AET) Monday to Friday.

Perpetual Trustee Company Limited (PTCo) ABN 42 000 001 007, AFSL 236643 and Equity Trustees Superannuation Limited (ETSL) ABN 50 055 641 757, RSE Licence L0001458, AFSL 229757 are the issuers or trustee of the funds. The product disclosure statement (PDS) for the funds, issued by PTCo or ETSL, should be considered before deciding whether to acquire, dispose, or hold units in the Fund. The PDS and Target Market Determination can be obtained by calling or visiting our website

Equity Trustees Superannuation Limited is the trustee of the Fund. Learn more about our Trustee including our Trustee including their Privacy Statement, Complaints Resolution Guide and other required disclosures here.

Prior to 1 March 2025, Perpetual Superannuation Limited (PSL) was trustee of Perpetual's Superannuation Products. 

You can find a link to PSL's historic details here

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