Wrap platform

Wrap platform

A wrap service that brings all of your investments together around a central cash account.

Perpetual Private Wrap is a wrap service that brings all of your investments together around a central cash account. This means that all buying, selling, reporting and maintenance of your investments occurs in one place, simplifying the administration of your investments or super.

Perpetual Private Wrap is suitable for investors who seek a wide range of investment options and the convenience of consolidated reporting, but do not wish to manage the administrative and compliance burden of maintaining their investments. Meet the Perpetual Private team

Perpetual Private Investment Wrap Features:

  • Trade shares online through your adviser or account manager
  • Invest via BPAY or direct debit
  • Dollar cost averaging
  • Automatic cash management
  • Margin lending

Perpetual Private Super Wrap Features:

  • Trade shares online through your adviser or account manager
  • Invest via BPAY or direct debit
  • Dollar cost averaging
  • Automatic cash management

Your Perpetual adviser will work closely with you to establish and manage your Perpetual Private Wrap portfolio.

Features And benefits

Wide range of investment options

Online information

Consolidated reporting

Online share trading

Wide range of investment options

You can choose from an extensive range of managed funds from a selection of fund managers, ASX listed shares and a range of approved term deposits. The Perpetual Private Investment Wrap also provides access to direct domestic bonds and international shares listed on approved exchanges.

Online information

Access your account through a secure website that allows you to view details such as your portfolio’s overall value, asset allocation and transaction history. Personal details can be updated and you can also access a number of detailed reports to help you keep track of your investment portfolio.

Consolidated reporting

You can link multiple accounts to receive consolidated reporting and statements, including consolidated portfolio valuations and asset allocations of your investments.

Online share trading

If you hold listed securities, you can generally participate in corporate actions through your online account. You can also buy and sell online or through a platform broker.

Perpetual Private Wrap

With Perpetual Private Investment Wrap you make all the investment decisions with your adviser or account manager, while we take care of administration and reporting.

Broader range of investment possibilities

In addition to a large selection of managed funds, Australian and international shares, domestic fixed income securities and cash options, you are also able to include certain property, unlisted unit trusts, private/unlisted company shares and international managed funds in your portfolio. You can even include certain personal assets in your portfolio for reporting purposes. You also have the ability to use margin lending to help grow the size of your portfolio.

Consolidated view of your investments

A consolidated view of your portfolio of investments is provided. You can also group multiple Perpetual Private Wrap accounts to produce consolidated group reporting and statements. This can include personal, super, joint, SMSF and trust accounts, making it easy to manage your portfolio while receiving all the benefits of our administration services.

Access our capital gains tax (CGT) reconstruction service

If you don’t have accurate and up-to-date CGT records for any of your assets, we can reconstruct your records from the date you acquired each asset. The revised information will help you better determine how selling particular assets will affect your tax position. Our CGT service is optional and is offered at an additional cost.

More information:

Perpetual Investment Wrap Updates

Download Target Market Determination TMD

IDPS Guide and Financial Services Guide Pt 1 Features Book

IDPS Guide and Financial Services Guide Pt 2 Schedule of Fees and Costs

Continuous Disclosure and Important Information

With Perpetual Private Super Wrap, you can manage multiple super investments while benefiting from simple and convenient centralised reporting and cash flow management.

Perpetual Private Super Wrap provides you with the choice to invest through two wrap solutions:

  • Perpetual Private Super Wrap (Super Wrap) – an accumulation superannuation solution
  • Perpetual Private Pension Wrap (Pension Wrap) – offering both transition to retirement pensions and a standard account based pension.

A lifetime investment solution

Perpetual Private Super Wrap provides you with an investment solution that covers your pre-retirement, transition to retirement, and post-retirement needs. You can manage your superannuation and pension portfolio in one place, allowing a switch from one to the other without realising any gains or losses.

Consolidated view of your investments

Enjoy the convenience of a consolidated view of your entire Super Wrap investment portfolio, and the ability to group your accounts with other Perpetual Private Wrap accounts to produce consolidated group reporting and statements.


You can arrange death and terminal illness, total and permanent disability and income protection insurance through Perpetual Private Super Wrap.

Efficient estate planning

Benefit from features such as non-lapsing death benefit nominations, reversionary pension nominations and child pensions.

The trustee and its operations

Equity Trustees Superannuation Limited is the trustee of the Fund. Learn more about our Trustee including our Trustee including their Privacy Statement, Complaints Resolution Guide and other required disclosures here.

Prior to 1 March 2025, Perpetual Superannuation Limited (PSL) was trustee of Perpetual's Superannuation Products.

You can find a link to PSL's historic details here

More information:

Continuous Disclosure

Superannuation forms, PDS and offer documents

DIY Super Solutions - Ability to outsource administrative and compliance aspects.

Perpetual’s DIY super solutions are designed for investors who want a high level of control and flexibility over their retirement investments but would like to outsource the administrative and compliance aspects of their super fund.

Perpetual Self Managed Super Fund service

  • Trade shares online through your adviser or account manager
  • Investment control
  • Outsourced custody
  • Minimum existing funds: $400,000

Perpetual Small APRA Fund service

  • Trade shares online through your adviser or account manager
  • Investment control
  • Outsourced custody
  • Outsourced compliance
  • Minimum existing funds: $400,000

DIY Super Solutions

We can help you establish your Self Managed Super Fund (SMSF). While you, as trustee of the Fund, have ultimate responsibility, we provide the critical administrative support and asset custody services you need to make it easy to manage the day-to-day operations of your fund.

Control and flexibility

Enjoy complete control over your SMSF investment strategy, including the flexibility to hold a wide selection of assets, such as shares, Exchange Traded Funds, managed funds, property and cash. You can also trade shares using the service.

Outsourced custody and administrative support

We act as the day-to-day administrator of your fund. This includes administering your benefits and managing tax and regulatory requirements. We also act as custodian of your assets, giving you more time to focus on your fund’s investment strategy.

Manage tax more effectively

An SMSF allows you to adopt more sophisticated retirement and financial planning strategies when compared to retail super funds, including tax effective strategies that relate to the treatment of income and capital gains.

Estate planning outcomes

An SMSF gives you greater control over your retirement capital and can play a significant role in improving your estate planning outcomes. Expert financial planning advice can help you take advantage of these opportunities.

More information:

Administration Services Guide - Part 1 - Features Book
Administration Services Guide - Part 2 - Schedule of Fees and Costs
Important Information and continuous disclosure  
IDPS Guide and Financial Services Guide


The Perpetual Small APRA Fund Service is a comprehensive trustee service that enables you to enjoy the choice and flexibility of a DIY super fund without the responsibility of being a trustee. We will help you to establish your Small APRA Fund and provide full ongoing management of your fund.

Fully outsourced trustee, custody and administration

As trustee of your fund, we will comprehensively manage the compliance, administration and custody of your fund’s assets. With these responsibilities and obligations outsourced, you can focus your attention on investment and financial planning decisions.

Investment flexibility

You can select from five investment strategies across a range of assets such as shares, managed funds, property, cash and other investments.

Manage tax more effectively

By using the service, you have greater flexibility to implement sophisticated retirement and financial planning strategies, such as capital gains tax planning.

Estate planning outcomes

With greater control over your retirement capital, you are better able to optimise your estate planning arrangements. Expert financial planning advice can help you take advantage of these opportunities.

The trustee and its operations

Equity Trustees Superannuation Limited is the trustee of the Fund. Learn more about our Trustee including our Trustee including their Privacy Statement, Complaints Resolution Guide and other required disclosures here.

Prior to 1 March 2025, Perpetual Superannuation Limited (PSL) was trustee of Perpetual's Superannuation Products.

You can find a link to PSL's historic details here

More information: 

Perpetual Small Apra Fund PDS Part 1 Features Book
Perpetual Small Apra Fund PDS Part 2 Schedule of Fees and Costs
Target Market Determination
Investment Policy Flyer
Important Information and Continuous Disclosure

Perpetual Trustee Company Limited (PTCo) ABN 42 000 001 007, AFSL 236643 and Equity Trustees Superannuation Limited (ETSL) ABN 50 055 641 757, RSE Licence L0001458, AFSL 229757 are the issuers or trustee of the funds. The product disclosure statement (PDS) for the funds, issued by PIML or ETSL, should be considered before deciding whether to acquire, dispose, or hold units in the Fund. The PDS and Target Market Determination can be obtained by calling or visiting our website www.perpetual.com.au.

Equity Trustees Superannuation Limited is the trustee of the Fund. Learn more about our Trustee including our Trustee including their Privacy Statement, Complaints Resolution Guide and other required disclosures here.

Prior to 1 March 2025, Perpetual Superannuation Limited (PSL) was trustee of Perpetual's Superannuation Products. 

You can find a link to PSL's historic details here

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