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From 1 July 2017, if you are a member in a Transition to Retirement pension, the performance and unit prices in the Superannuation options will apply to you. For historical prices refer to the Account Based Pension investment options.
For Perpetual WealthFocus Term Allocated Pension Plan, please refer to Perpetual WealthFocus Account Based Pension for performance, unit prices and fees.
From 1 July 2017, if you are a member in a Transition to Retirement pension, the performance and unit prices in the Superannuation options will apply to you. For historical prices refer to the Account Based Pension investment options.
For Perpetual WealthFocus Term Allocated Pension Plan, please refer to Perpetual WealthFocus Account Based Pension for performance, unit prices and fees.
To achieve returns (before fees and taxes) in excess of the benchmark (S&P/ASX 300 Accumulation Index) over the medium to long term with moderate tax-effective income. There is no guarantee that this objective will be achieved. The fund predominately invests in a portfolio of listed large cap Australian equities which are primarily chosen from the S&P/ASX 300 Index.
View fund pageAims to outperform per annum over rolling three-year periods a composite benchmark comprising the S&P/ASX Midcap 50 accumulation Index (70%) and S&P/ASX Small Ordinaries Accumulation Index (30%). The fund invests in a portfolio of listed Australian equities that are primarily chosen from the S&P/ASX 300 Index, but generally excludes securities from the S&P/ASX 50 Leaders Index.
View fund pageAims to: - provide members with long-term growth and income through investment in a diversified portfolio of Australian shares - outperform the S&P/ASX 300 Accumulation Index (before fees and after tax) over rolling three-year periods.
View fund pageAims to achieve returns in excess of the S&P/ASX 200 Accumulation Index over the medium to long term.
View fund pageAims to provide long-term capital growth and regular income through investment predominantly in quality Australian industrial shares. To outperform the S&P/ASX 300 Industrials Accumulation Index (before fees and taxes) over rolling three-year periods.
View fund pageAims to provide a rate of return (after fees and expenses and before taxes) which exceeds the return of the benchmark S&P/ASX300 Accumulation Index on a rolling four-year basis.
View fund pageAims to provide a return (before fees, costs and taxes) that exceeds the S&P/ASX 300 (TR) Index over the medium-to-long term. There is a high risk of losing money in any year. The fund is likely to produce higher returns over the long term.
View fund pageAims to provide long-term capital growth and income through investment in quality shares and taking short positions predominantly in selected Australian shares. The fund aims to outperform the S&P/ASX 300 Accumulation Index (before fees and taxes) over rolling three-year periods.
View fund pageAims to outperform the S&P/ASX 200 Accumulation Index over rolling three-to-five-year periods by investing in a broad range of companies from Australia and New Zealand.
View fund pageSeeks to track the return of the S&P/ASX 300 Index before taking into account fees, expenses and tax.
View fund pageAims to provide long-term capital growth and regular income through investment predominately in quality Australian industrial and resource shares. The fund aims to outperform the S&P/ASX 300 Accumulation Index (before fees and taxes) over rolling three-year periods.
View fund pageAims to provide long-term capital growth and income through investment predominantly in quality Australian and industrial and resource shares. The fund aims to outperform the S&P/ASX 300 Accumulation Index (before fees and taxes) over rolling three-year periods.
View fund pageAims to provide long-term capital growth and regular income through investment predominantly in quality Australian shares that meet PIML's ESG and values-based criteria. The fund aims to outperform the S&P/ASX 300 Accumulation Index (before fees and taxes) over rolling three-year periods.
View fund pageAims to enhance long-term capital growth through borrowing (gearing) to invest in quality industrial and resource shares. The fund aims to outperform the S&P/ASX 300 Accumulation Index (before fees and taxes) over rolling three-year periods.
View fund pageAims to provide long-term capital growth and regular income through investment predominantly in quality Australian industrial shares. The fund aims to outperform the S&P/ASX 300 Industrials Accumulation Index (before fees and taxes) over rolling three-year periods.
View fund pageAims to provide long-term capital growth and income through investment in quality Australian industrial and resource shares which, when first acquired, do not rank in the S&P/ASX 50 Index. The fund aims to outperform the S&P/ASX Small Ordinaries Accumulation Index (before fees and taxes) over rolling three-year periods.
View fund pageAims to: - provide members with long-term growth through investment in a diversified portfolio with an emphasis on Australian and international share investments - outperform the CPI by 2.25% (before fees and after tax) over rolling seven-year periods - outperform (before fees and after tax), over rolling three-year periods, a composite benchmark.
View fund pageAims to achieve superior investment performance through providing returns that exceed those of the neutral portfolio benchmark, comprising a portfolio of published indices approximately 30% of which represent interest bearing assets and 70% of which represent growth assets, before fees over rolling three-year periods.
View fund pageAims to achieve superior investment performance through providing returns that exceed those of the neutral portfolio benchmark, comprising a portfolio of published indices approximately 70% of which represent interest bearing assets and 30% of which represent growth assets, before fees over rolling three-year periods.
View fund pageAims to outperform peer performance consistent with a growth-orientated investment strategy encompassing: • a broadly diversified exposure to Australian and international assets • active asset allocation, security selection and risk management • flexibility to deviate meaningfully from the strategic asset allocation to help manage total portfolio risk
View fund pageAims to: - provide members with stable returns through investment in a diversified portfolio with an emphasis on fixed income and cash investment - outperform the CPI by 0.75% (before fees and after tax) over rolling 3-year periods - outperform (before fees and after tax), over rolling 3-year periods, a composite benchmark reflecting the underlying funds target allocations
View fund pageAims to: - provide members with long-term growth through investment in a diversified portfolio of assets - outperform the CPI by 1.5% (before fees and after tax) over rolling 5-year periods - outperform (before fees and after tax), over rolling three-year periods, a composite benchmark reflecting the underlying funds target allocations at any time to the various asset types.
View fund pageAims to: - provide members with long-term growth through investment in a diversified portfolio with a strong emphasis on Australian and intl share investments - outperform the CPI by 3.0% (before fees and after tax) over rolling 10-year periods - outperform (before fees and after tax), over rolling 3-year periods, a composite benchmark reflecting the underlying funds target allocations.
View fund pageAims to: - provide members with long-term growth through investment in a diversified portfolio with a strong emphasis on Australian and international shares, as well as growth alternative investments - outperform the CPI by 3.25% (before fees and after tax) over rolling ten-year periods - outperform (before fees and after tax), over rolling three-year periods, a composite benchmark.
View fund pageAims to earn a rate of return that exceeds CPI increases by at least 3.5% pa over rolling seven-year periods.
View fund pageAims to deliver an investment return of 5% pa above Australian inflation over rolling three-year periods. Inflation is defined as the Reserve Bank of Australia’s Trimmed Mean, as published by the Australian Bureau of Statistics.
View fund pageAims to provide long-term capital growth and income through investment in a diversified portfolio with an emphasis on Australian and international share investments, outperform CPI + 5.0% pa (before fees and taxes) over at least five-year periods and outperform a composite benchmark (before fees and taxes) reflecting its allocation to the various asset types over rolling three-year periods.
View fund pageAims to provide moderate growth over the medium term & income through investment in a diversified portfolio with an emphasis on cash and fixed income securities, outperform the All Groups CPI + 3.5% pa (before fees and taxes) over at least two-year periods and outperform a composite benchmark (before fees & tax) reflecting its allocation to the various asset types over rolling three-year periods.
View fund pageAims to provide long-term capital growth and income through investment in a diversified portfolio of growth and income assets, outperform CPI + 4.5% pa (before fees and taxes) over at least three-year periods and outperform a composite benchmark (before fees and taxes) reflecting its allocation to the various asset types over rolling three-year periods.
View fund pageAims to target a pre-tax return of 5% per annum above inflation (before fees and taxes) over rolling five-year periods, while minimising downside risk over rolling two-year periods.
View fund pageAims to provide exposure to global credit markets and to generate income with some potential for capital growth over the medium-to-long term. The fund aims to outperform its composite benchmark (50% Bloomberg AusBond Composite 0+ Yr Index and 50% Bloomberg AusBond Bank Bill Index) over the suggested investment time frame.
View fund pageAims to: - provide members with capital stability through investments in deposits, money market and fixed income securities - match the performance of the Bloomberg AusBond Bank Bill Index (before fees and after tax) over rolling one-year periods.
View fund pageAims to outperform the Bloomberg AusBond Bank Bill Index over the medium term (before fees). It aims to provide higher income returns than traditional cash investments at all stages of interest rate and economic cycles.
View fund pageAims to outperforming the Bloomberg AusBond Composite 0+ Yr Index after fees over the medium term.
View fund pageSeeks to track the return of the Bloomberg AusBond Composite 0+ Yr Index before taking into account fees, expenses and tax.
View fund pageAims to provide investors with capital stability, regular income and easy access to funds by investing in deposits, money-market and fixed income securities. The fund aims to outperform the Bloomberg AusBond Bank Bill Index (before fees and taxes) on an ongoing basis.
View fund pageAims to provide regular income and consistent returns above the Bloomberg AusBond Bank Bill Index (before fees and taxes) over rolling three-year periods by investing in a diverse range of income generating assets.
View fund pageAims to provide regular income by investing in a diverse range of income generating assets and provide a positive return (before fees and taxes) over rolling three-year periods.
View fund pageAims to achieve total returns (comprising income and capital appreciation and before the deduction of fees and taxes) that outperform inflation, as measured by the Australian Consumer Price Index, by 5% pa over rolling five-year periods.
View fund pageAims to: - provide members with long-term growth through investment in a diversified portfolio of international shares - outperform the MSCI All Country World Index - Net Return (unhedged) in Australian dollars (before fees and after tax) over rolling three-year periods.
View fund pageAims to achieve attractive risk-adjusted returns over the medium to long-term, while reducing the risk of permanent capital loss. A further aim is to deliver 9% p.a. net of fees over the economic cycle.
View fund pageAims to seek capital appreciation over the longer term by investing in a diversified portfolio of global shares and to outperform its benchmark (the MSCI World Index with net dividends reinvested before fees) over a full market cycle, before taking into account fees, taxes and expenses.
View fund pageAims to provide investors with long-term capital growth through investment in quality global shares and outperform the MSCI World Net Total Return Index (AUD) (before fees and taxes) over rolling three-year periods
View fund pageAims to provide capital growth, where measured over at least five years, by investing in undervalued companies in the Asia region excluding Japan.
View fund pageAims to provide capital growth, where measured over at least five years, by investing in undervalued companies from around the world.
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