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The non-bank sector in Australia and New Zealand: past, present and future

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The story of Australia and New Zealand's non-bank sector, past present, and future.

A Perpetual Research Report, February 2023.

Non-banks in Australia and New Zealand have enjoyed record growth over the past decade, but can this success be sustained under new market conditions? 

Perpetual and the Australian Securitisation Forum have collaborated to look at the reasons for the growth of non-banks as well as the sector’s opportunities and challenges for future growth. 

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So what did that data tell us? You can find out everything by downloading the report itself. But here are some key points. 

Industry Insights

Sharing insights from 31 securitisation industry experts, our comprehensive report looks at:

  1. The state of the market: past performance helps predict future patterns.
  2. The non-bank evolution and factors for success:
    • Access to funding
    • Unmet consumer needs 
    • Innovation in technology
    • Relationship building
  3. Challenges that may shape the future of the non-bank sector.

Find out more in Agility Agenda: The story of Australia’s and New Zealand’s non-bank sector: past, present and future.

Download Report

This report was prepared by Perpetual Corporate Trust, a division of Perpetual Limited, in collaboration with the Australian Securitisation Forum (ASF). Any statements or opinions made in the report are personal to those interviewed by Perpetual Corporate Trust and are not, nor are they deemed to be, the views of the ASF nor are they necessarily endorsed by the ASF. Perpetual Corporate Trust services are provided by Perpetual Corporate Trust Limited ABN 99 000 341 533 AFSL 392673, Perpetual Trustee Company Limited ABN 42 000 001 007 AFSL 236643, Perpetual Limited ABN 86 0000 431 827 and its subsidiaries. Perpetual Limited and certain of its subsidiaries act as Authorised Representatives of Perpetual Trustee Company Limited. This publication contains general information only and is not intended to provide you with financial advice. You should consider, with a financial adviser, whether the information is suitable for your circumstances. To the extent permitted by the law, no liability is accepted for any loss or damage as a result of any reliance on this information. Any statements or opinions made in the report are personal to those interviewed by Perpetual Corporate Trust and are not, nor are they deemed to be, the views of the ASF nor are they necessarily endorsed by the ASF.

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