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Case study: Supporting LGBTQ+ inclusion

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Recognising and celebrating our colleagues fosters a workplace that is open and accepting, where everyone feels like they can be their true self. 


We celebrate Pride Month and Perpetual Pride Day every year to support our LGBTQ+ colleagues and the broader LGBTQ+ community. We have also established a Perpetual Pride Network, consisting of over 20 self-elected people from across the business, and encouraged our people to add pronouns to their email signatures if they want to. 


To further support LGBTQ+ rights, Perpetual has entered into a new partnership with Out Leadership – a New York-based global LGBTQ+ business network created and grown through the endorsement of change-making CEOs and businesses across the world. Through this partnership, our people have access to Out Leadership’s information portal and will be able to participate in a series of global events and talent development opportunities. 

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