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Date: 30 June 2022

Fund name: Perpetual Diversified Real Return Fund - Class Z

APIR code: PER6115AU

Distribution Components C.P.U.
Domestic interest 0.117263
Domestic interest - Non-withholding tax 0.060871
Excluded from NCMI 0.000925
NCMI 0.000793
Other Australian sourced income 1.232177
Net franked dividends 0.612655
Unfranked dividends 0.007220
Clean building MIT income 0.000147
Conduit Foreign Income 0.037750
Net foreign income 0.727291
CFC Income -
TAP Capital gains - discounted 0.014978
TAP Capital gains - indexed method -
TAP Capital gains - other method 0.000467
TAP NCMI capital gains - discounted 0.000613
TAP NCMI capital gains - other method -
TAP excluded from NCMI capital gains - discounted -
TAP excluded from NCMI capital gains - other method -
NTAP Capital gains - discounted 1.896775
NTAP Capital gains - indexed method -
NTAP Capital gains - other method 0.441885
NTAP NCMI capital gains - discounted -
NTAP NCMI capital gains - other method -
NTAP excluded from NCMI capital gains - discounted -
NTAP excluded from NCMI capital gains - other method -
Tax exempt amount -
Tax free amount -
CGT concession amount 1.912366
Non attributable / tax deferred amount -
Non-assessable non-exempt income -
Return of capital -
Franking credits 0.247016
Trans-Tasman credits -
Foreign income tax offset 0.079632
Foreign capital tax offset -
Total distribution amount 7.390824
Preproduction: 20241219.1 - Separation-UAT-3+0cae3048c64d2bf03de440af7213f143413849aa